João Lázaro re-elected president of Victim Support Europe
The Portuguese Association for Victim Support is pleased to announce that João Lázaro, APAV's president, was unanimously re-elected president of Victim Support Europe (VSE) for a second three-year term. The re-election took place in Brussels on the December 11th, during the VSE General Assembly.
Today, Victim Support Europe leads the defense and promotion of the rights of victims of crime in Europe. The remarkable growth of the organization, only possible due to the commitment of the VSE board and staff, is reflected in an increasingly global action of the organization. The VSE board is currently composed of ten members of organizations from various European countries: Germany, France, Northern Ireland, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Croatia and Finland.
After the election, the VSE re-elected president addressed words of appreciation and appreciation to all members of the organization's staff, without whom VSE growth would not be possible. He also thanked the team for its confidence in his work, reinforcing the motivation and commitment that led him to preside over this organization, which aims to be the voice of all victims of crime in Europe.
VSE has been established since 1990 as the organization that brings together the various victim support services and organizations in Europe - currently representing 54 European national victim support organizations in 29 countries.
APAV presents the new magazine Miscellanea #6
APAV presents the new edition of the magazine Miscellanea APAV. The launching session took place at the APAV Headquarters in Lisbon, on the December 27th. Miscellanea APAV is a magazine promoted by APAV that aims to disseminate scientific articles and reflection on issues related to victims of crime or victim support. This sixth edition of Miscellanea APAV brings together four original articles and is illustrated with a selection of photos by Sérgio Aires.
APAV participates in ERA seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings
The Seminar “Countering Trafficking in Human Beings, Protecting Victims and Enhancing Financial Investigations” was the final event of a series of seminars promoted by ERA – the Academy of European Law – on trafficking of human beings. This seminar took place in Trier, Germany, on the 13th and 14th of December.
APAV participated in this seminar as an invited speaker. João Lázaro, President of APAV and President of Victim Support Europe, presented a communication on the subject: Providing better access and realise the rights of victims of Trafficking of Human Beings: An analysis of the EU Victim's Rights Package and the way forward to ensure that victims are identified and treated as “rights holders".
Round Table Meeting “A multi-disciplinary approach to implementing victims’ rights and services in Greece”
Victim Support Europe (VSE) in collaboration with the European Public Law Organisation, the European Anti-Violence Network, the Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, the Smile of the Child and Panteion University are holding a multi-stakeholder meeting exploring how the State and NGOs can work together to improve the situation of victims of crime in Greece.
In 2012, Greece along with 26 other Member States of the European Union supported the adoption of a new Directive on minimum standards for Victims of Crime. That Directive came into force in 2015. Taking that Directive into account, in Greece today, victims of crime should have access to support anywhere in the country, they should be provided with adequate information on reporting a crime and about proceedings, and they should be properly protected from further victimisation and secondary victimisation.
Recognising both the urgency for action and the value in co-operation, the participants use this meeting to explore the key priorities for victims in Greece. What are the main challenges, what practices are working already and what could be introduced in the future? The main goal is to strengthen the networks and establish new commitments to work together to improve the lives of victims.
APAV participates in this meeting, represented by João Lázaro, President of APAV who is also President of the VSE.